;;; -*- Mode: Scheme -*- ;;;; Extensible Looping Macros, version 9 (BETA) ;;; Copyright (c) 2008, Taylor R. Campbell ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;;; distribution. ;;; ;;; * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of contributors ;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;;; software without specific prior written permission. ;;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; This is a variation on Alex Shinn's looping macros described in ;;; message-id <1157562097.001179.11470@i42g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>. ;;; It has diverged substantially from the original macros, and is now ;;; documented at [for ;;; the beta period of foof-loop version 9]. ;;; ;;; This file depends on syn-param.scm, also by Taylor R. Campbell, and ;;; SRFI 11 (LET-VALUES). Ideally, the implementation of LET-VALUES ;;; should gracefully handle single-value clauses to elide superfluous ;;; uses of CALL-WITH-VALUES. (define-syntax loop (syntax-rules () ((LOOP ((loop-clause0 loop-clause1+ ...) ...) body ...) (LOOP ANONYMOUS-LOOP ((loop-clause0 loop-clause1+ ...) ...) body ... (ANONYMOUS-LOOP))) ((LOOP name ((loop-clause0 loop-clause1+ ...) ...) body ...) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name ("Malformed loop name:" name) (%LOOP START name ((loop-clause0 loop-clause1+ ...) ...) (body ...)))))) ;;; We must be very careful about where to add laziness annotations. ;;; In particular, we don't want to wrap only the loop's body, because ;;; if we did that, the outer bindings produced by the iterators would ;;; be evaluate eagerly, which is too soon. So instead, we wrap the ;;; whole thing in a LAZY, and then wrap every call to the loop as ;;; well. (define-syntax lazy-loop (syntax-rules (=>) ((LAZY-LOOP name (loop-clause ...) => result body0 body1+ ...) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name ("Invalid lazy loop name:" name) (LAZY (LOOP EAGER-LOOP (loop-clause ...) => result (LET-SYNTAX ((name (SYNTAX-RULES () ((name . arguments) (LAZY (EAGER-LOOP . arguments)))))) body0 body1+ ...))))))) ;;; Randomness. (define-syntax syntactic-name-member? (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-NAME-MEMBER? item () if-yes if-no) if-no) ((SYNTACTIC-NAME_MEMBER? item (item* . items) if-yes if-no) (SYNTACTIC-NAME=? item item* if-yes (SYNTACTIC-NAME-MEMBER? item items if-yes if-no))))) (define-syntax syntactic-name=? (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-NAME=? a b if-yes if-no) (LET-SYNTAX ((TEST (SYNTAX-RULES (a) ((TEST a YES NO) YES) ((TEST OTHER YES NO) NO)))) (TEST b if-yes if-no))))) ;;;; Error Reporting ;;; Use this definition of SYNTACTIC-ERROR if your favourite Scheme ;;; doesn't have one already. Note that this is distinct from a ;;; SYNTAX-ERROR procedure, since it must signal a compile-time error. (define-syntax syntactic-error (syntax-rules ())) (define-syntax syntactic-name? (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-NAME? (a . d) if-yes if-no) if-no) ((SYNTACTIC-NAME? #(v ...) if-yes if-no) if-no) ((SYNTACTIC-NAME? datum if-yes if-no) (LET-SYNTAX ((TEST-ELLIPSIS (SYNTAX-RULES () ((TEST-ELLIPSIS (VARIABLE datum) YES NO) YES) ((TEST-ELLIPSIS OTHERWISE YES NO) NO)))) (TEST-ELLIPSIS (MAGICAL MYSTERY LIST) if-yes (LET-SYNTAX ((TEST-NAME (SYNTAX-RULES () ((TEST-NAME datum YES NO) YES) ((TEST-NAME OTHERWISE YES NO) NO)))) (TEST-NAME MAGICAL-MYSTERY-SYMBOL if-yes if-no))))))) (define-syntax syntactic-ellipsis? (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-ELLIPSIS? (a . d) if-yes if-no) if-no) ((SYNTACTIC-ELLIPSIS? #(v ...) if-yes if-no) if-no) ((SYNTACTIC-ELLIPSIS? datum if-yes if-no) (LET-SYNTAX ((TEST-ELLIPSIS (SYNTAX-RULES () ((TEST-ELLIPSIS (VARIABLE datum) YES NO) YES) ((TEST-ELLIPSIS OTHERWISE YES NO) NO)))) (TEST-ELLIPSIS (MAGICAL MYSTERY LIST) if-yes if-no))))) (define-syntax syntactic-error-if-not-name (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name (message irritant ...) if-ok) (SYNTACTIC-NAME? name if-ok (SYNTACTIC-ERROR message irritant ...))))) (define-syntax syntactic-error-if-not-names (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES () (message irritant ...) if-ok) if-ok) ((SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (name0 name1+ ...) (message irritant ...) if-ok) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name0 (message irritant ...) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (name1+ ...) (message irritant ...) if-ok))))) ;;; Implement these if it is expedient in your Scheme system. (define-syntax syntactic-error-if-not-bvl (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVL bvl (message irritant ...) if-ok) if-ok))) (define-syntax syntactic-error-if-not-bvls (syntax-rules () ((SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVLS (bvl ...) (message irritant ...) if-ok) if-ok))) ;;; Utilities for reporting syntax errors in LOOP clauses. (define-syntax loop-clause-error (syntax-rules (CONTEXT) ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT iterator (variable ...) arguments)) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR "Malformed LOOP clause:" (FOR variable ... (iterator . arguments)))) ;; Old style. ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (iterator (variable ...) arguments message)) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR message (FOR variable ... (iterator . arguments)))))) (define-syntax %loop-check (syntax-rules () ((%LOOP-CHECK syntactic-check operand (CONTEXT iterator (variable ...) arguments) if-ok) (syntactic-check operand ("Malformed LOOP clause:" (FOR variable ... (iterator . arguments))) if-ok)) ((%LOOP-CHECK syntactic-check operand (iterator (variable ...) arguments message) if-ok) (syntactic-check operand (message (FOR variable ... (iterator . arguments))) if-ok)))) (define-syntax loop-clause-error-if-not-name (syntax-rules () ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name error-context if-ok) (%LOOP-CHECK SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME name error-context if-ok)))) (define-syntax loop-clause-error-if-not-names (syntax-rules () ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES names error-context if-ok) (%LOOP-CHECK SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES names error-context if-ok)))) (define-syntax loop-clause-error-if-not-bvl (syntax-rules () ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVL bvl error-context if-ok) (%LOOP-CHECK SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVL bvl error-context if-ok)))) (define-syntax loop-clause-error-if-not-bvls (syntax-rules () ((LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVLS bvls error-context if-ok) (%LOOP-CHECK SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVLS bvls error-context if-ok)))) ;;;; The Guts of LOOP (define-syntax %loop (syntax-rules (=> FOR WITH LET LET-VALUES WHILE UNTIL START GO PARSE-FOR CONTINUE FINISH FIX-LITERALS FINISH* SIMPLIFY-BODY) ((%LOOP START name loop-clauses body) (%LOOP GO name (() () () () () () () ()) loop-clauses body)) ;; Simple case of a single variable, for clarity. ((%LOOP GO name state ((FOR variable (iterator argument ...)) . loop-clauses) body) (iterator (variable) (argument ...) %LOOP CONTINUE iterator name state loop-clauses body)) ;; FOR handler with tail patterns. Unfortunately, tail patterns are non- ;; standard, so we need the next four clauses rather than this one... ;; ;; ((%LOOP GO name state ;; ((FOR variable0 variable1+ ... (iterator argument ...)) ;; . loop-clauses) ;; body) ;; (iterator (variable0 variable1+ ...) ;; (argument ...) ;; %LOOP CONTINUE iterator name state loop-clauses body)) ;;;;; FOR Clauses: Dealing with Iterators ((%LOOP GO name state ((FOR variable0 variable1 variable2+ ...) . loop-clauses) body) (%LOOP PARSE-FOR (variable0 variable1 variable2+ ...) () (FOR variable0 variable1 variable2+ ...) ;Copy for error message. name state loop-clauses body)) ((%LOOP PARSE-FOR ((iterator argument ...)) variables original-clause name state loop-clauses body) (iterator variables (argument ...) %LOOP CONTINUE iterator name state loop-clauses body)) ((%LOOP PARSE-FOR (next-variable more0 more1+ ...) (variable ...) original-clause name state loop-clauses body) (%LOOP PARSE-FOR (more0 more1+ ...) (variable ... next-variable) original-clause name state loop-clauses body)) ((%LOOP PARSE-FOR (non-list) variables original-clause name state loop-clauses body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR "Malformed FOR clause in LOOP:" original-clause)) ((%LOOP ((outer-bvl outer-producer) ...) ((loop-variable initializer literals pattern stepper default) ...) ((entry-bvl entry-producer) ...) (termination-condition ...) ((body-bvl body-producer) ...) ((final-bvl final-producer) ...) CONTINUE iterator name ((loop-variables ...) user-bindings user-termination-conditions outer-bindings entry-bindings termination-conditions body-bindings final-bindings) loop-clauses body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (loop-variable ...) ("Internal error -- Malformed loop variables from iterator:" iterator) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVLS (outer-bvl ... entry-bvl ... body-bvl ... final-bvl ...) ("Internal error -- Malformed BVLs from iterator:" iterator) (%LOOP GO name ((loop-variables ... ;** Preserve order. (loop-variable initializer literals pattern stepper default) ...) user-bindings user-termination-conditions ((outer-bvl outer-producer) ... . outer-bindings) ((entry-bvl entry-producer) ... . entry-bindings) (termination-condition ... . termination-conditions) ((body-bvl body-producer) ... . body-bindings) ((final-bvl final-producer) ... . final-bindings)) loop-clauses body)))) ;;; Older form, retained for compatibility. ((%LOOP ((outer-bvl outer-producer) ...) ((loop-variable loop-initializer loop-stepper) ...) ((entry-bvl entry-producer) ...) (termination-condition ...) ((body-bvl body-producer) ...) ((final-bvl final-producer) ...) CONTINUE iterator name ((loop-variables ...) user-bindings user-termination-conditions outer-bindings entry-bindings termination-conditions body-bindings final-bindings) loop-clauses body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (loop-variable ...) ("Internal error -- Malformed loop variables from iterator:" iterator) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVLS (outer-bvl ... entry-bvl ... body-bvl ... final-bvl ...) ("Internal error -- Malformed BVLs from iterator:" iterator) (%LOOP GO name ((loop-variables ... ;** Preserve order. (loop-variable loop-initializer (=>) ((=> loop-variable ?VALUE)) ?VALUE loop-stepper) ...) user-bindings user-termination-conditions ((outer-bvl outer-producer) ... . outer-bindings) ((entry-bvl entry-producer) ... . entry-bindings) (termination-condition ... . termination-conditions) ((body-bvl body-producer) ... . body-bindings) ((final-bvl final-producer) ... . final-bindings)) loop-clauses body)))) ;;;;; User-Directed Clauses ((%LOOP GO name state ((WITH variable initializer) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable ("Malformed WITH clause in LOOP:" (WITH variable initializer)) (%LOOP GO name state ((WITH variable initializer variable) . loop-clauses) body))) ((%LOOP GO name ((loop-variable ...) . more-state) ((WITH variable initializer default) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable ("Malformed WITH clause in LOOP:" (WITH variable initializer default)) (%LOOP GO name ;; Preserve ordering of the user's loop variables. ((loop-variable ... (variable initializer (=>) ((=> variable ?VALUE)) ?VALUE default)) . more-state) loop-clauses body))) ((%LOOP GO name state ((LET variable expression) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable ("Malformed LET clause in LOOP:" (LET variable expression)) (%LOOP GO name state ((LET-VALUES (variable) expression) . loop-clauses) body))) ((%LOOP GO name (loop-variables (user-binding ...) . more-state) ((LET-VALUES user-bvl user-producer) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-BVL user-bvl ("Malformed LET-VALUES clause in LOOP:" (LET-VALUES user-bvl user-producer)) (%LOOP GO name (loop-variables ;; Preserve order of the user's termination conditions. (user-binding ... (user-bvl user-producer)) . more-state) loop-clauses body))) ;;;;;; User-Directed Clauses, continued ((%LOOP GO name state ((WHILE condition) . loop-clauses) body) (%LOOP GO name state ((UNTIL (NOT condition)) . loop-clauses) body)) ((%LOOP GO name (loop-variables user-bindings (user-termination-condition ...) . more-state) ((UNTIL user-termination-condition*) . loop-clauses) body) (%LOOP GO name (loop-variables user-bindings (user-termination-condition ... user-termination-condition*) . more-state) loop-clauses body)) ;; Compatibility forms. These clauses *must* come after all ;; others, because there is no keyword, so these would shadow any ;; clauses with keywords. ((%LOOP GO name state ((variable initializer) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable ("Malformed named-LET-style clause in LOOP:" (variable initializer)) (%LOOP GO name state ((WITH variable initializer) . loop-clauses) body))) ((%LOOP GO name state ((variable initializer stepper) . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable ("Malformed DO-style clause in LOOP:" (variable initializer stepper)) (%LOOP GO name state ((WITH variable initializer stepper) . loop-clauses) body))) ((%LOOP GO name state (clause . loop-clauses) body) (SYNTACTIC-ERROR "Malformed LOOP clause:" clause)) ;;;;; Finishing -- Generating Output ((%LOOP GO name state () (=> result-form . body)) (%LOOP FINISH name state result-form body)) ((%LOOP GO name state () body) (%LOOP FINISH name state (IF #F #F) body)) ((%LOOP FINISH name (((loop-variable initializer literals pattern stepper default) ...) . remaining-state) result-form body) (%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name () (literals ...) (((loop-variable initializer pattern stepper default) ...) . remaining-state) result-form body)) ((%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name literals () state result-form body) (%LOOP FINISH* name literals state result-form body)) ((%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name literals (() . literals1) state result-form body) (%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name literals literals1 state result-form body)) ((%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name literals ((literal0 . literals0) . literals1) state result-form body) (SYNTACTIC-NAME-MEMBER? literal0 literals (%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name literals (literals0 . literals1) state result-form body) (%LOOP FIX-LITERALS name (literal0 . literals) (literals0 . literals1) state result-form body))) ((%LOOP FINISH* name literals (((loop-variable initializer pattern stepper default) ...) user-bindings user-termination-conditions outer-bindings entry-bindings termination-conditions body-bindings final-bindings) result-form body) (LET-VALUES outer-bindings (DEFINE (LOOP-PROCEDURE loop-variable ...) (LET-VALUES entry-bindings (%LOOP SIMPLIFY-BODY termination-conditions (LET-VALUES final-bindings result-form) body-bindings user-bindings user-termination-conditions (WITH-EXTENDED-PARAMETER-OPERATORS* ((name literals (LOOP-PROCEDURE (loop-variable pattern stepper default) ...))) . body)))) (LOOP-PROCEDURE initializer ...))) ;;;;;; Simplifying the Body ;; No iterator- or user-introduced termination conditions at all. ;; No test or closure needed. ((%LOOP SIMPLIFY-BODY () final-form body-bindings user-bindings () body-form) (LET-VALUES body-bindings (LET-VALUES user-bindings body-form))) ;; Iterator-introduced termination conditions only. One test and ;; no closure needed. ((%LOOP SIMPLIFY-BODY (termination-condition ...) final-form body-bindings user-bindings () ;No user termination conditions body-form) (IF (OR termination-condition ...) final-form (LET-VALUES body-bindings (LET-VALUES user-bindings body-form)))) ;; The closure is needed here because the body bindings shouldn't ;; be visible in the final form. ((%LOOP SIMPLIFY-BODY () final-form body-bindings user-bindings (user-termination-condition ...) body-form) (LET ((FINISH (LAMBDA () final-form))) (LET-VALUES body-bindings (LET-VALUES user-bindings (IF (OR user-termination-condition ...) (FINISH) body-form))))) ((%LOOP SIMPLIFY-BODY (termination-condition ...) final-form body-bindings user-bindings (user-termination-condition ...) body-form) (LET ((FINISH (LAMBDA () final-form))) (IF (OR termination-condition ...) (FINISH) (LET-VALUES body-bindings (LET-VALUES user-bindings (IF (OR user-termination-condition ...) (FINISH) body-form)))))))) ;;;; Accumulators ;;; Accumulators have the following syntax: ;;; ;;; (FOR (ACCUMULATING )) ;;; (FOR (ACCUMULATING (IF ))) ;;; (FOR (ACCUMULATING => )) ;COND-style ;;; (FOR (ACCUMULATING ;SRFI-61-style ;;; => )) ;;; ;;; In addition, some of them support initial values, which are ;;; specified with an optional first argument of (INITIAL ). For example, to accumulate a list starting with some tail ;;; , write ;;; ;;; (FOR (LISTING (INITIAL ) )). (define-syntax listing (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((LISTING variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((TAIL) tail-expression)) ('() CONS (LAMBDA (RESULT) (APPEND-REVERSE RESULT TAIL))) (CONTEXT LISTING variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((LISTING variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () ('() CONS REVERSE) (CONTEXT LISTING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax listing-reverse (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((LISTING-REVERSE variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((TAIL) tail-expression)) (TAIL CONS) (CONTEXT LISTING-REVERSE variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((LISTING-REVERSE variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () ('() CONS) (CONTEXT LISTING-REVERSE variables arguments) next . rest)))) ;;; This is non-reentrant but produces precisely one garbage cons cell. (define-syntax listing! (syntax-rules () ((LISTING! variables arguments next . rest) (%LISTING! variables arguments (CONS #F '()) (CONTEXT LISTING! variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax listing-into! (syntax-rules () ((LISTING-INTO! variables (first-expression . arguments) next . rest) (%LISTING! variables arguments first-expression (CONTEXT LISTING-INTO! variables (first-expression . arguments)) next . rest)))) (define-syntax %listing! (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((%LISTING! variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments) first-expression error-context next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((FIRST TAIL) (LET ((FIRST first-expression) (TAIL tail-expression)) (SET-CDR! FIRST TAIL) (VALUES FIRST TAIL)))) (FIRST (LAMBDA (DATUM PREVIOUS-CELL) (LET ((NEXT-CELL (CONS DATUM TAIL))) (SET-CDR! PREVIOUS-CELL NEXT-CELL) NEXT-CELL)) (LAMBDA (CELL) CELL (CDR FIRST))) error-context next . rest)) ((%LISTING! variables arguments first-expression error-context next . rest) (%LISTING! variables ((INITIAL '()) . arguments) first-expression error-context next . rest)))) ;;;;; List Appending Accumulators (define-syntax appending (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((APPENDING variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((TAIL) tail-expression)) ('() APPEND-REVERSE (LAMBDA (RESULT) (APPEND-REVERSE RESULT TAIL))) (CONTEXT APPENDING variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((APPENDING variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () ('() APPEND-REVERSE REVERSE) (CONTEXT APPENDING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax appending-reverse (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((APPENDING-REVERSE variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((TAIL) tail-expression)) (TAIL APPEND-REVERSE) (CONTEXT APPENDING-REVERSE variables ((INITIAL tail-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((APPENDING-REVERSE variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () ('() APPEND-REVERSE) (CONTEXT APPENDING-REVERSE variables arguments) next . rest)))) ;; (define (append-reverse list tail) ;; (loop ((FOR elt (IN-LIST list)) ;; (FOR result (LISTING-REVERSE (INITIAL tail) elt))) ;; => result)) (define (append-reverse list tail) (if (pair? list) (append-reverse (cdr list) (cons (car list) tail)) tail)) ;;;;; Numerical Accumulators (define-syntax summing (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((SUMMING variables ((INITIAL initial-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () (initial-expression +) (CONTEXT SUMMING variables ((INITIAL initial-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((SUMMING variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () (0 +) (CONTEXT SUMMING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax multiplying (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((MULTIPLYING variables ((INITIAL initial-expression) . arguments) next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () (initial-expression *) (CONTEXT MULTIPLYING variables ((INITIAL initial-expression) . arguments)) next . rest)) ((MULTIPLYING variables arguments next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () (1 *) (CONTEXT MULTIPLYING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax maximizing (syntax-rules () ((MAXIMIZING variables arguments next . rest) (%EXTREMIZING variables arguments MAX (CONTEXT MAXIMIZING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax minimizing (syntax-rules () ((MINIMIZING variables arguments next . rest) (%EXTREMIZING variables arguments MIN (CONTEXT MINIMIZING variables arguments) next . rest)))) (define-syntax %extremizing (syntax-rules (INITIAL) ((%EXTREMIZING variables ((INITIAL initial-expression) . arguments) chooser error-context next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments (((INITIAL-VALUE) initial-expression)) (INITIAL-VALUE chooser) error-context next . rest)) ((%EXTREMIZING variables arguments chooser error-context next . rest) (%ACCUMULATING variables arguments () (#F (LAMBDA (DATUM EXTREME) (IF (AND DATUM EXTREME) (chooser DATUM EXTREME) (OR DATUM EXTREME)))) error-context next . rest)))) (define-syntax %accumulating (syntax-rules () ;; There is a finalization step, so the result variable cannot be ;; the accumulator variable, and we must apply the finalizer at the ;; end. ((%ACCUMULATING (result-variable) arguments outer-bindings (initializer combiner finalizer) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME result-variable error-context (%%ACCUMULATING arguments (result-variable initializer combiner) outer-bindings (((result-variable) (finalizer result-variable))) error-context next . rest))) ;; There is no finalizer step, so the accumulation is incremental, ;; and can be exploited; therefore, the result variable and the ;; accumulator variable are one and the same. ((%ACCUMULATING (accumulator-variable) arguments outer-bindings (initializer combiner) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME accumulator-variable error-context (%%ACCUMULATING arguments (accumulator-variable initializer combiner) outer-bindings () error-context next . rest))) ;; The user supplied more than one variable. Lose lose. ((%ACCUMULATING variables arguments outer-bindings parameters error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR error-context)))) (define-syntax %%%accumulating (syntax-rules () ((%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings loop-variable final-bindings next . rest) (next outer-bindings (loop-variable) () ;Entry bindings () ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings final-bindings . rest)))) (define-syntax %%accumulating (syntax-rules (IF =>) ((%%ACCUMULATING () ;No default generator at all (accumulator initializer combiner) outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings (accumulator initializer ;Loop variable (=>) ((=> accumulator . items)) (%RIGHT-REDUCE accumulator combiner . items) accumulator) final-bindings next . rest)) ((%%ACCUMULATING (generator) ;No conditional (accumulator initializer combiner) outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings (accumulator initializer ;Loop variable (=>) ((=> accumulator . items)) (%RIGHT-REDUCE accumulator combiner . items) (combiner generator accumulator)) final-bindings next . rest)) ((%%ACCUMULATING (generator (IF condition)) (accumulator initializer combiner) outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings (accumulator initializer ;Loop variable (=>) ((=> accumulator . items)) (%RIGHT-REDUCE accumulator combiner . items) (IF condition (combiner generator accumulator) accumulator)) final-bindings next . rest)) ((%%ACCUMULATING (generator => mapper) (accumulator initializer combiner) outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings (accumulator initializer ;Loop variable (=>) ((=> accumulator . items)) (%RIGHT-REDUCE accumulator combiner . items) (COND (generator => (LAMBDA (DATUM) (combiner (mapper DATUM) accumulator))) (ELSE accumulator))) final-bindings next . rest)) ((%%ACCUMULATING (generator tester => mapper) (accumulator initializer combiner) outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (%%%ACCUMULATING outer-bindings (accumulator initializer ;Loop variable (=>) ((=> accumulator . items)) (%RIGHT-REDUCE accumulator combiner . items) (RECEIVE ARGS generator (IF (APPLY tester ARGS) (combiner (APPLY mapper ARGS) accumulator) accumulator))) final-bindings next . rest)) ((%%ACCUMULATING arguments parameters outer-bindings final-bindings error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR error-context)))) (define-syntax %right-reduce (syntax-rules () ((%RIGHT-REDUCE final combinator argument) (combinator argument final)) ((%RIGHT-REDUCE final combinator argument . arguments) (combinator argument (%RIGHT-REDUCE final combinator . arguments))))) ;;;; List Iteration ;;; (FOR [] (IN-LIST [])) ;;; Step across , letting be each successive pair in ;;; , stepping by ( ), or (CDR ) if no ;;; successor procedure is explicitly provided. Let be the car ;;; of in the body of the loop. (define-syntax in-list (syntax-rules () ((IN-LIST (element-variable pair-variable) (list-expression successor-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (element-variable pair-variable) (CONTEXT IN-LIST (element-variable pair-variable) (list-expression successor-expression)) (next (((LIST) list-expression) ;Outer bindings ((SUCCESSOR) successor-expression)) ((pair-variable LIST TAIL)) ;Loop variables () ;Entry bindings ((NOT (PAIR? pair-variable))) ;Termination conditions (((element-variable) (CAR pair-variable)) ;Body bindings ((TAIL) (SUCCESSOR pair-variable))) () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((IN-LIST (element-variable pair-variable) (list-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (element-variable pair-variable) (CONTEXT IN-LIST (element-variable pair-variable) (list-expression)) ;++ This is silly, but it will improve performance in Scheme ;++ systems that don't beta-reduce (LET ((X CDR)) ...). (next (((LIST) list-expression)) ;Outer bindings ((pair-variable LIST TAIL)) ;Loop variables () ;Entry bindings ((NOT (PAIR? pair-variable))) ;Termination conditions (((element-variable) (CAR pair-variable)) ;Body bindings ((TAIL) (CDR pair-variable))) () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((IN-LIST (element-variable) (list-expression successor) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME element-variable (CONTEXT IN-LIST (element-variable) (list-expression successor)) (IN-LIST (element-variable PAIR) (list-expression successor) next . rest))) ((IN-LIST (element-variable) (list-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME element-variable (CONTEXT IN-LIST (element-variable) (list-expression)) (IN-LIST (element-variable PAIR) (list-expression) next . rest))) ((IN-LIST variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT IN-LIST variables arguments))))) ;;;;; Parallel List Iteration (define-syntax in-lists (syntax-rules () ((IN-LISTS (elements-variable pairs-variable) (lists-expression tail-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (element-variable pair-variable) (CONTEXT IN-LISTS (elements-variable pairs-variable) (lists-expression tail-expression)) (next (((LISTS) lists-expression)) ;Outer bindings ((pairs-variable LISTS CDRS)) ;Loop variables (((LOSE? CARS CDRS) ;Entry bindings (%CARS&CDRS pairs-variable tail-expression '()))) (LOSE?) ;Termination conditions (((elements-variable) CARS)) ;Body bindings () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((IN-LISTS (elements-variable pairs-variable) (lists) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (elements-variable pair-variable) (CONTEXT IN-LISTS (elements-variable pairs-variable) (lists)) (IN-LISTS (elements-variable pairs-variable) (lists '()) next . rest))) ((IN-LISTS (elements-variable) (lists tail) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME elements-variable (CONTEXT IN-LISTS (elements-variable) (lists tail)) (IN-LISTS (elements-variable PAIRS) (lists tail) next . rest))) ((IN-LISTS (elements-variable) (lists) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME elements-variable (CONTEXT IN-LISTS (elements-variable) (lists)) (IN-LISTS (elements-variable PAIRS) (lists '()) next . rest))) ((IN-LISTS variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT IN-LISTS variables arguments))))) (define (%cars&cdrs lists cars-tail cdrs-tail) (loop proceed ((for list (in-list lists)) (for cars (listing (initial cars-tail) (car list))) (for cdrs (listing (initial cdrs-tail) (cdr list)))) => (values #f cars cdrs) (if (pair? list) (proceed) (values #t #f #f)))) ;;;; Vector and String Iteration ;;; (FOR [] (IN-VECTOR [ []])) ;;; ;;; IN-VECTOR-REVERSE, IN-STRING, and IN-STRING-REVERSE all have the ;;; same syntax. ;;; ;;; The reverse iterators run from end to start; the bounds are still ;;; given in the same order as the forward iterators. (define-syntax in-vector (syntax-rules () ((IN-VECTOR variables (vector-expression start/end ...) next . rest) (%IN-VECTOR (FORWARD VECTOR-REF VECTOR 0 (VECTOR-LENGTH VECTOR)) variables (vector-expression start/end ...) (CONTEXT IN-VECTOR variables (vector-expression start/end ...)) next . rest)))) (define-syntax in-vector-reverse (syntax-rules () ((IN-VECTOR-REVERSE variables (vector-expression start/end ...) next . rest) (%IN-VECTOR (BACKWARD VECTOR-REF VECTOR (VECTOR-LENGTH VECTOR) 0) variables (vector-expression start/end ...) (CONTEXT IN-VECTOR-REVERSE variables (vector-expression start/end ...)) next . rest)))) (define-syntax in-string (syntax-rules () ((IN-STRING variables (vector-expression start/end ...) next . rest) (%IN-VECTOR (FORWARD STRING-REF STRING 0 (STRING-LENGTH STRING)) variables (vector-expression start/end ...) (CONTEXT IN-STRING variables (vector-expression start/end ...)) next . rest)))) (define-syntax in-string-reverse (syntax-rules () ((IN-STRING-REVERSE variables (string-expression start/end ...) next . rest) (%IN-VECTOR (BACKWARD STRING-REF STRING (STRING-LENGTH STRING) 0) variables (string-expression start/end ...) (CONTEXT IN-STRING-REVERSE variables (string-expression start/end ...)) next . rest)))) ;;;;; Random-Access Sequence Generalization (define-syntax %in-vector (syntax-rules (FORWARD BACKWARD) ((%IN-VECTOR (FORWARD vector-ref vector-variable default-start default-end) (element-variable index-variable) (vector-expression start-expression end-expression) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (element-variable index-variable) error-context (next (((vector-variable START END) ;Outer bindings (LET ((vector-variable vector-expression)) (VALUES vector-variable start-expression end-expression)))) ((index-variable START ;Loop variables (+ index-variable 1))) () ;Entry bindings ((>= index-variable END)) ;Termination conditions (((element-variable) ;Body bindings (vector-ref vector-variable index-variable))) () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((%IN-VECTOR (BACKWARD vector-ref vector-variable default-start default-end) (element-variable index-variable) (vector-expression start-expression end-expression) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES (element-variable index-variable) error-context (next (((vector-variable START END) ;Outer bindings (LET ((vector-variable vector-expression)) (VALUES vector-variable start-expression end-expression)))) ((index-variable START ;Loop variables index-variable)) () ;Entry bindings ((<= index-variable END)) ;Termination conditions (((index-variable) ;Body bindings (- index-variable 1)) ((element-variable) (vector-ref vector-variable (- index-variable 1)))) () ;Final bindings . rest))) ;;;;;; %IN-VECTOR, continued ;; Supply an index variable if absent. ((%IN-VECTOR iteration-parameters (element-variable) arguments error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME element-variable error-context (%IN-VECTOR iteration-parameters (element-variable INDEX) arguments error-context next . rest))) ;; Supply the default start index if necessary. ((%IN-VECTOR (direction vector-ref variable default-start default-end) variables (vector-expression) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES variables error-context (%IN-VECTOR (direction vector-ref variable default-start default-end) variables (vector-expression default-start) error-context next . rest))) ;; Supply the default end index if necessary. ((%IN-VECTOR (direction vector-ref variable default-start default-end) variables (vector-expression start-expression) error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAMES variables error-context (%IN-VECTOR (direction vector-ref variable default-start default-end) variables (vector-expression start-expression default-end) error-context next . rest))) ((%IN-VECTOR iteration-parameters modified-variables modified-arguments error-context next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR error-context)))) ;;;; Input ;;; (FOR (IN-PORT [ []])) ;;; ;;; IN-FILE has the same syntax, but with a pathname in the place of ;;; the input port. (define-syntax in-port (syntax-rules () ((IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression reader-expression eof-predicate) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-variable (CONTEXT IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression reader-expression eof-predicate)) (next (((PORT) port-expression) ;Outer bindings ((READER) reader-expression) ((EOF?) eof-predicate)) () ;Loop variables (((datum-variable) (READER PORT))) ;Entry bindings ((EOF? datum-variable)) ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings () ;Final bindings . rest))) ;; Supply a reader if absent. ((IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-variable (CONTEXT IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression)) (IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression READ-CHAR) next . rest))) ;; Supply an EOF predicate if absent. ((IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression reader-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-variable (CONTEXT IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression reader-expression)) (IN-PORT (datum-variable) (port-expression reader-expression EOF-OBJECT?) next . rest))) ((IN-PORT variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT IN-PORT variables arguments))))) (define-syntax in-file (syntax-rules () ((IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression reader-expression eof-predicate) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-variable (CONTEXT IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression reader-expression eof-predicate)) (next (((PORT) ;Outer bindings (OPEN-INPUT-FILE pathname-expression)) ((READER) reader-expression) ((EOF?) eof-predicate)) () ;Loop variables (((datum-variable) (READER PORT))) ;Entry bindings ((EOF? datum-variable)) ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings ((() ;Final bindings (BEGIN (CLOSE-INPUT-PORT PORT) (VALUES)))) . rest))) ;; Supply a reader if absent. ((IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-variable (CONTEXT IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression)) (IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression READ-CHAR) next . rest))) ;; Supply an EOF predicate if absent. ((IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression reader-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME datum-varable (CONTEXT IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression reader-expression)) (IN-FILE (datum-variable) (pathname-expression reader-expression EOF-OBJECT?) next . rest))) ((IN-FILE variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT IN-FILE variables arguments))))) ;;;; Iterating Up through Numbers (define-syntax up-from (syntax-rules (TO BY) ((UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY step-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY step-expression))) (next (((START) start-expression) ;Outer bindings ((END) end-expression) ((STEP) step-expression)) ((variable START ;Loop variables (+ variable STEP))) () ;Entry bindings ((>= variable END)) ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY step-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY step-expression))) (next (((START) start-expression) ;Outer bindings ((STEP) step-expression)) ((variable START ;Loop variables (+ variable STEP))) () ;Entry bindings () ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings () ;Final bindings . rest))) ;; Add a default step of 1. ((UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression))) (UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY 1)) next . rest))) ((UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression)) (UP-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY 1)) next . rest))) ((UP-FROM variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT UP-FROM variables arguments))))) ;;;; Iterating Down through Numbers (define-syntax down-from (syntax-rules (TO BY) ((DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY step-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY step-expression))) (next (((START) start-expression) ;Outer bindings ((END) end-expression) ((STEP) step-expression)) ((variable START variable)) ;Loop variables () ;Entry bindings ((<= variable END)) ;Termination conditions (((variable) ;Body bindings (- variable STEP))) () ;Final bindings . rest))) ((DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY step-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY step-expression))) (next (((START) start-expression) ;Outer bindings ((STEP) step-expression)) ((variable START variable)) ;Loop variables (((variable) (- variable STEP))) ;Entry bindings () ;Termination conditions () ;Body bindings () ;Final bindings . rest))) ;; Add a default step of 1. ((DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression)) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression))) (DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (TO end-expression) (BY 1)) next . rest))) ((DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression) next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR-IF-NOT-NAME variable (CONTEXT DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression)) (DOWN-FROM (variable) (start-expression (BY 1)) next . rest))) ((DOWN-FROM variables arguments next . rest) (LOOP-CLAUSE-ERROR (CONTEXT DOWN-FROM variables arguments)))))