(herald (assembler loader)) (define (comfiler ln) (lambda (name) (comfile `(,ln ,name)))) (define (loader ln env) (lambda (name) (let ((filespec `(,ln ,name))) (*require filespec filespec env)))) (define tas-env (make-locale orbit-env 'tas-env)) (define tas-syntax-table (env-syntax-table tas-env)) (bind (((print-env-warnings?) '#f)) ;; Shadow these because of weird bugs lurking in the system. ;; ORBIT-ENV defines VECTOR to be -7, not the regular procedure, and ;; I don't know why we have to redefine ORBIT-ENV here. (LAP ;; evaluator?) (*define tas-env 'orbit-env tas-env) (*define tas-env 'vector vector)) (define tas-files '( as_open ib expand as_utils compile_fgs as_syntax fg as count mark mini bits listing lap as_file )) (define (compile-tas) (walk (comfiler 'assembler) tas-files)) (define (load-tas) (walk (loader 'assembler tas-env) tas-files)) ;;;; PowerPC (define tas-ppc-env (make-locale tas-env 'tas-ppc-env)) (define tas-ppc-syntax-table (env-syntax-table tas-ppc-env)) (*define tas-env 'tas-ppc-env tas-ppc-env) (define tas-ppc-early-files '( ppc_machine ; machine & register set definition ppc_format ; instruction formats )) (define tas-ppc-files '( ppc_arith ; integer arithmetic instructions ppc_branch ; branch instructions ppc_flo ; floating-point instructions ppc_mem ; memory access instructions ppc_misc ; miscellaneous instructions ppc_lap ; LAP environment )) (define (compile-ppc-tas) (let ((comfile (comfiler 'assembler))) (walk comfile tas-ppc-early-files) (walk (loader 'assembler tas-ppc-env) tas-ppc-early-files) (walk comfile tas-ppc-files))) (define (load-ppc-tas) (let ((load (loader 'assembler tas-ppc-env))) (walk load tas-ppc-early-files) (walk load tas-ppc-files)))