;;; -*- mode: scheme; scheme48-package: rendezvous-semaphores -*- ;;;; Rendezvous Concurrency Abstraction ;;;; Semaphore Example ;;; This code is written by Taylor Campbell and placed in the Public ;;; Domain. All warranties are disclaimed. ;;; This example demonstrates a variety of the facilities provided by ;;; the rendezvous concurrency abstractions and libraries therefor: ;;; ;;; - Mailboxes, asynchronous communication channels, are used to send ;;; messages to a control thread for each semaphore. The messages ;;; are dispatched by the thread and contain the requisite devices to ;;; send information back, if necessary. ;;; - Placeholders, single-assignment cells on which readers block, are ;;; used to return single values from the semaphore control thread in ;;; response to simple information inquiries from a client thread. ;;; - Channels (synchronous) are used to send semaphore acquisition ;;; responses from semaphore control threads back to client threads ;;; that requested them. The control thread must wait until the ;;; client receives the message, which is why synchronous channels ;;; are used instead of mailboxes. ;;; - Negative acknowledgements are used to abort acquisition requests ;;; if they were not chosen among a set of rendezvous that a client ;;; synchronized. (define-record-type semaphore :semaphore (%make-semaphore mailbox) semaphore? (mailbox semaphore-mailbox)) (define (make-semaphore initial-value) (let ((mailbox (make-mailbox))) (spawn (lambda () (semaphore-loop mailbox initial-value (make-queue))) 'semaphore) (%make-semaphore mailbox))) (define (semaphore-loop mailbox value pending) (let ((message (mailbox-receive mailbox))) (semaphore-request-case message ((ACQUIRE reply-channel nack-rv) (enqueue! pending (cons reply-channel nack-rv)) ((if (or (queue-empty? pending) (not (positive? value))) semaphore-loop semaphore-grant) mailbox value pending)) ((RELEASE) (semaphore-grant mailbox (+ value 1) pending)) ((INQUIRE reply-placeholder) (set-placeholder! reply-placeholder value) (semaphore-loop mailbox value pending))))) (define (semaphore-grant mailbox value pending) (if (queue-empty? pending) (semaphore-loop mailbox value pending) (let ((reply-channel.nack-rv (dequeue! pending))) (rendezvous-case ((channel-sender-rendezvous (car reply-channel.nack-rv) value) (semaphore-loop mailbox (- value 1) pending)) ((cdr reply-channel.nack-rv) (semaphore-grant mailbox value pending)))))) ;;;; Semaphore Operations (define-variant-type semaphore-request :semaphore-request semaphore-request? semaphore-request-case (variant ACQUIRE (semaphore-request/acquire reply-channel nack-rv)) (variant RELEASE (semaphore-request/release)) (variant INQUIRE (semaphore-request/inquire reply-placeholder))) ;; (put 'semaphore-request-case 'scheme-indent-function 1) (define (semaphore-acquire semaphore) (synchronize (%semaphore-acquisition-rendezvous semaphore ;; No nack rendezvous because there is nothing else to ;; select. (quiescent-rendezvous)))) (define (semaphore-acquisition-rendezvous semaphore) (delayed-rendezvous-with-nack (lambda (nack-rv) (%semaphore-acquisition-rendezvous semaphore nack-rv)))) (define (%semaphore-acquisition-rendezvous semaphore nack-rv) (let ((reply-channel (make-channel))) (mailbox-send (semaphore-mailbox semaphore) (semaphore-request/acquire reply-channel nack-rv)) (channel-receptor-rendezvous reply-channel))) (define (semaphore-release semaphore) (mailbox-send (semaphore-mailbox semaphore) (semaphore-request/release))) (define (semaphore-value semaphore) (let ((placeholder (make-placeholder))) (mailbox-send (semaphore-mailbox semaphore) (semaphore-request/inquire placeholder)) (placeholder-value placeholder))) ;;;; Semaphore Test ;;; The output for (SEMAPHORE-TEST #T) should be: ;;; ;;; 1, a: Acquired semaphore -- value is 0 ;;; 2, b: Spawned -- value is 0 ;;; 3, b: Timed out -- value is 0 ;;; 4, a: Released -- value is 1 ;;; 5, a: Slept -- value is 1 ;;; ;;; and the output for (SEMAPHORE-TEST #F) should be: ;;; ;;; 1, a: Acquired semaphore -- value is 0 ;;; 2, b: Spawned -- value is 0 ;;; 3, a: Released -- value is 1 ;;; 4, b: Acquired -- value is 0 ;;; 5, b: Slept -- value is 0 ;;; 6, b: Released -- value is 1 ;;; 7, a: Slept -- value is 1 (define (semaphore-test timeout?) (let* ((semaphore (make-semaphore 1)) (counter 0) (note (lambda (client message) (let ((value (semaphore-value semaphore))) (set! counter (+ counter 1)) (write counter) (display ", ") (write client) (display ": ") (display message) (display " -- value is ") (write value) (newline))))) (semaphore-acquire semaphore) (note 'a "Acquired semaphore") (sleep 1000) (spawn (lambda () (note 'b "Spawned") (if (not timeout?) (sleep 2000)) (rendezvous-case ((semaphore-acquisition-rendezvous semaphore) (note 'b "Acquired") (sleep 1000) (note 'b "Slept") (sleep 1000) (semaphore-release semaphore) (note 'b "Released")) ((after-time-rendezvous (if timeout? 1000 2000)) (note 'b "Timed out")))) 'semaphore-test) (sleep (if timeout? 2000 1000)) (semaphore-release semaphore) (note 'a "Released") (sleep (if timeout? 1000 4000)) (note 'a "Slept")))